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Forum > English Jokes > MT Quotes
Hej, a może by tak wstawić swoje zdjęcie? To łatwe proste i szybkie. Poczujesz się bardziej jak u siebie.
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

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Hej, a może by tak wstawić swoje zdjęcie? To łatwe proste i szybkie. Poczujesz się bardziej jak u siebie.
If you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way.

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Hej, a może by tak wstawić swoje zdjęcie? To łatwe proste i szybkie. Poczujesz się bardziej jak u siebie.
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

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Hej, a może by tak wstawić swoje zdjęcie? To łatwe proste i szybkie. Poczujesz się bardziej jak u siebie.
There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded

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Hej, a może by tak wstawić swoje zdjęcie? To łatwe proste i szybkie. Poczujesz się bardziej jak u siebie.
Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.

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"When Law prevails over Empathy and Thinking than Justice dies. Law is not Justice, it is just law and cares only for selfrespect. It is just like with any religion - prevailing Rituals always kill Love, Soul and Heart. They remove the necessity to think with your heart and soul about hearts and souls of your brothers and sisters. They even destroy the need to think about your God with your Heart. They change this relationship into a simple bussiness. And who needs more bussiness in Love?"


We are House Atreides. There is no call we do not aswer. There is no faith that we betray.

what a typo! i am sorry

"When Law prevails over Empathy and Thinking then Justice dies. Law is not Justice, it is just a law and cares only for selfrespect. It is just like with any religion - prevailing Rituals always kill Love, Soul and Heart. They remove the necessity to think with your heart and soul about hearts and souls of your brothers and sisters. They even destroy the need to think about your God with your Heart. They change this relationship into a simple business. And who needs more business in Love?"

Ostatnio edytowany: 2021-07-30 23:17:56

We are House Atreides. There is no call we do not aswer. There is no faith that we betray.

another one:

"Do not make a whore out of The God. He already owns almost everyting and let you only decide what to do with your Love

We are House Atreides. There is no call we do not aswer. There is no faith that we betray.
Forum > English Jokes > MT Quotes
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